The AAnG Group is driving its business development by focusing on the supply of consulting for international technical assistance in order to support digital infrastructure as well as human capital development planning and implementation while delivering upon the Sustainable Development Goals and serving the mandate for Smart and Inclusive Growth.
The Group encompasses companies offering a range of consulting services and digital solutions with state-of-the-art knowhow to interested actors, at the national (Greek) and European level as well as internationally, in order to address the needs of both the institutional actors, state & public administration, international bodies and investment agencies and funding authorities, and of the business ecosystem, the enterprises and their collective bodies, especially aiming at facilitating business organization digital transition, including re-engineering, security and resource planning, skills upgrading etc.
Our capacity to deliver is based upon the long-standing experience of our experts, consultants as well as of our expertise networking, building upon the European legacy in the fields of:
a) evidence-based (governance) consulting to policy making and program planning, management & evaluation and impact assessment;
b) (large-scale) digital solutions implementation and service provision and sustainable development consulting, alongside with support to processes re-engineering and re- and up-skilling; and
c) public procurement and regulatory & legislative framework consulting, coupled with innovative public-private partnerships.
Indicatively, our digital-technology solutions and services are meeting the needs in the areas of:
1) Cyber Security services
2) Smart City platforms & solutions
3) e-Learning platform and cloud services
4) Digital Transformation solutions
Available experience in program planning and management, evidence-based policy consulting and technical assistance concerning:
(a) digital and support infrastructure development as well as of
(b) integrated human capital development
is driving the Group’ s business development perspectives, guided through our understanding that by facilitating the “maturity of demand” and eventually the “smart planning” and the implementation of large scale actions, both in the public and the private (business) sectors, serves the mandate of the public authorities and of the investment agencies and funding bodies, by increasing the impact and value of their interventions to deliver upon the SDGs and towards the scope of smart and inclusive growth – especially in the developing regions and their societies across the world.