Policy Research & Analysis

Policy advisoryMind2Innovate is being active, following the European legacy in education and social policy making and practice, in supporting systematically evidence-based policy making. We are aiming at consolidating and deploying European “good practice” and international state-of-the-art solutions in order to facilitate the necessary policy reforms and developments at the national and European level, mainly in the areas of learning innovation, employment and social inclusion, as well as of international cooperation in knowledge-intensive policy areas, where the “European Project” has already delivered mature and customizable solutions and methods. We run Foresight and Observatory Studies to produce research-based visions, roadmaps and recommendations for action.

In the field of learning innovation and support to education policy making, we deliver in line with the validated experience and legacy of the MENON Network, as with a number of vision reports, while our affiliated experts have recently prepared on behalf of the Greek government and their bailout programme a number of policy inputs in the form of Evidence-based Policy making Reports, to be reflected in the frame of high level experts’ workshops, with policy and other decision makers.

Further, we are also building on a enriched experience of road-mapping to facilitate international cooperation in the fields of ICT research, innovation in Higher Education & Research and Learning Quality & Equity.

Finally, we provide quality planning and evaluation and impact assessment consulting, with our experts having been heavily involved in the building of Quality Assurance schemes, arranged for and or supported numerous policy-relevant seminars and conferences, on issues such as the Recognition of Prior Learning and on Equity in Higher Education.


[To be further developed / Mind2Innovate]